A Coincidence I Think About

This is a TikTok trend but it got me thinking. In 2012 at the end of the year of completing 101 things and entering the second year of doing 101 things again (yeah I know, I'm nuts) I was still really floundering to find peace and joy. My friend Mandy asked if I would like... Continue Reading →

Everyone Has a Story

Having written my memoir really gets me thinking about everyone else's story. No one is ordinary. And even if they are---it's in that day-to-day that stories are built, that the remarkable occurs. In the hall at work, I stopped to watch a teacher assemble a bulletin board. Another teacher stopped and another one---a small professional... Continue Reading →

Mornings, I Love You—Now.

I am very slowly evolving into a morning person. I didn't always like mornings---at all. Ins and outs I can pinpoint the moment I realized that maybe I was missing out by sleeping in. The shift in my attitude about early mornings changed in the early 2000s when I was forced to go out. I... Continue Reading →

The Case For Being Unprepared

There are two main categories of people: A) Those who plan everything, all the time. Research. Research. Research. Details. Plan A. Plan B and C, and D, and even E. You get the picture. B) And then there are those who just go and wing it. No plans, just moving along like a cork in... Continue Reading →

Blessings of Travel

Last night from the balcony of my bedroom in Thessaloniki, Greece, I felt a familiar calling from the long-ago times. I looked over the neighborhood and the city with its stacked dwellings---a very different vision than the city I'm from in Canada. The buildings in front of me felt older than they actually are. I... Continue Reading →

Reflections on a Swimming Pool

Puns The title of this blog post is a shameless pun and it is so very intended because life is about having fun with the little things...annnnnd the big things....annnnnd everything in between. I accept that you may have rolled your eyes. You may have chuckled. I hope that you can forgive me and continue... Continue Reading →

When Two Places Feel Like Home

To all immigrants, newcomers, refugees, or anyone who has discovered what it is to love more than one place, this one's for you. This year's holiday observations feel a bit deeper. I just took it all in because I became amazingly aware of what a gift it was to even be on a holiday after... Continue Reading →

An Open Letter of Gratitude to Greece

Dear Motherland: Thank you for your sizzling sun and unapologetic winds. Thank you for your complicated curvy streets and narrow passages. Thank you for your complex and diverse fragrances of honeysuckle, jasmine, roses, spice, food, compost and exhaust. Thank you for your diverse history with layers (literally) upon layers of architecture, revealing histories, peoples, conflicts,... Continue Reading →

Conversations on Memory

Sometimes dialogues hit just right. They teach. They compliment the moment and open doors that were shut. They can be something more than the basic how are you's and I'm fine's. Recently I had a dialogue with a friend that left me with a wistfulness I hadn't felt in a while. Maybe it was the... Continue Reading →

Traveling Then and Now

How we did it then In early adulthood I began tending the seedling of wanderlust. There was a process in those days that is quite different than how travel occurs today. It looked like this: I'd either call or pop in to a travel agency. The individual would look on their computer and log books... Continue Reading →

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